Want To Buy A Bingo Hall? This One's Up For Auction
A South Tyneside building, formally operated by Mecca Bingo, will be put up for sale at an auction next week with an asking price of £175,000.
Have you ever wanted to own a bingo club? Run your own games and make a little money? Well then, this might be your only chance! Located on Dean Road, South Shields, this local bingo club has actually been closed down since September 2014, when Mecca Bingo opted not to renew their lease on the property.
Although the club was doing well financially, the closure came because of Mecca’s long-term policy of closing older buildings. This building in particular originates from 1935, at which time it was used as an early Regent cinema.
Staff at the bingo hall, some of whom had been working there for almost 40 years, were forced into redundancy at the closure. Mecca Bingo at first offered to relocate staff other premises in Gateshead or Sunderland, but it was largely unsuccessful due to travel issues.
One staff member, who wished to remain anonymous, said; “Obviously we are all devastated, there are some staff who have been here for nearly 40 years – they worked here when it was the old Regent bingo.”
Bingo regular Nicole Mullen, 19, from Dean Road, was shocked by the news. She added: “My mam used to come here and really enjoyed it. When she had cancer she still used to visit the bingo as it was her way of escaping what was going on. When I was 18, I was given my membership and I have been ever since. The staff are so friendly, everyone knows everyone here. The staff are always asking about my family. I’m devastated it’s closing.”
The auction to sell off the old bingo club will take place Tuesday at Leeds United’s Elland Road ground, hosted by the Pugh auctioneers company. A spokesman for Pugh stated that “the property is considered to have development potential subject to obtaining the necessary consents.”