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      Online Bingo Caller

      WDW Bingo’s new online bingo caller is state of the art. With its modern, aesthetic design and hilarious bingo phrases called by real humans, you won’t find a tool as natural and as smooth. We’ve now added a 75 ball version to complement our already wildly popular 1-90 online bingo caller. Simply toggle between the two with the easy switch just above the generator.

      Plus, we’ve teamed up with our sister site, BNBS, which has a bingo card generator tool. That means you can play a full game of bingo with your friends and family with our caller and their cards!

      No other online bingo caller machine is built to the same high standard as ours. With its beautiful layout and simple functionality, you won’t miss a call. Don’t get fooled by other websites with their ugly designs and automated robot voice calls.

      We have a Southern Belle making not safe for work calls, or a perfectly polite Welshman keeping it PC (number 49!) for all the family.

      Our bingo caller generator is incredibly easy to use but we’ve popped a short guide below so you can get the best out of it.

      How to use our 1-75 & 1-90 Bingo Number Caller

      Our bingo caller is the easiest to use online. Here, we give you some pointers to have the best possible experience.

      YouTube Video Thumbnail


      There are 90 numbers, arranged in 5 rows of 18, with B-I-N-G-O heading each row. In the 75 ball version, there are of course 75 numbers, with 15 in each row. When a number is called it appears in the large showcase area at the bottom. This is accompanied by a call from one of our distinguished and hilarious bingo callers.

      Once the player clicks Next, the old number will move to the receptacle to the left for historical calls, and a new number will appear in the middle.

      Once a number has been called during a game, it will turn white in the main body of the caller. This signifies that the number won’t be called again until a new game beings.

      Players simply keep clicking next until the game is finished. To start a new game, just click Reset. You may get another prompt from your internet browser to confirm you want to refresh.

      For automated bingo calls, click Auto and the game will continue without you having to continually ask for new numbers. Unfortunately, this feature is not available on iOS systems. However, we might have some exciting news on this front coming down the line, so stay tuned!

      You can adjust the time between these calls, but more about that in the Settings section below.


      The real magic happens in the settings section, where players can customise their game and have some fun!

      First, you can adjust the Autoplay speed with 1 being the fastest and 10 being the slowest. They do say a quick game is a good game, but equally feel free to take your time. A slow game is a more relaxed game!

      The Voice section allows you to choose your bingo caller. We hired real actors to read out our fabulous bingo calls for a proper organic bingo experience. On most competitor tools, you’re likely to have an automated robot voice or worse, no call at all! This is certainly the best online bingo caller with voice out there!

      In all, there are 12 variations of bingo callers. We have four different sets of voices who can do three sets of calls each. The four voice options are Female, Male, Southern Drawl and Welsh; and they’re all fantastic.

      The three sets of bingo calls are regular bingo calls, funny bingo calls and just the numbers (with a little flair). The regular bingo calls are pretty traditional and many will be instantly recognisable to seasoned bingo players. The funny bingo calls were dreamed up or researched by our resident humourist Dale; let’s face it, most of these are NSFW (not safe for work!)

      At the bottom of this guide, we’ll list the bingo calls for your perusal if you don’t want to be surprised. We also explore the history and context and some of our favourite funny and naughty calls.


      We also have plenty of chime selections which signify a number is about to be called. With 8 chimes and 2 pops, you’re sure to find the right “Ding” for you. Or if there’s no ding required, simply uncheck the audible chime box.

      Finally, in the settings section, there’s a checkbox for Manual Calling Mode. By checking that, you can silence the bingo call voices. So if a quiet game is a good game for you, then check away, although we don’t recommend it!

      See More

      There’s not much more to see but by clicking the See More button at the bottom left of the caller (as you look at it), this simply expands the historical ball calls section. This will give you a longer look at what balls have been called already.

      Why did we create a 75 ball bingo caller?

      Our new 75 ball bingo caller is primarily designed for players in the USA and Canada, as that is the most common type of bingo over there. That’s not to say that we can’t all join in and try something new! BNBS can also generate 1-75 bingo cards, should you want to play along.

      Bingo has been a part of American culture for almost 100 years, frequently played in local communities for leisure or charitable purposes.

      In its original form, 75 ball bingo is quite a simple game, perhaps simpler than the UK equivalent. You have your card, which we have a small demonstration of below the caller, which has 24 numbers and a free space in the middle.

      As the numbers are called (from our 75 ball bingo caller!), you daub them out on the card. Once you have a full line, whether vertical, horizontal or diagonal, then you have won the game.

      There are some other versions of 75 ball bingo, such as pattern bingo, where you win by completing the funky pattern on the bingo cards. We should have those available in the BNBS generator soon.

      3 Full Sets of Bingo Calls

      Apart from a classic Numbers-only calling setting, we have two further amazing options. These are traditional calls said with plenty of feeling, or funny calls which are a little saucier. We’ve listed all the traditional calls below, as well as funny calls that we’ve swapped in.

      Then, Dale will dive a little bit deeper with an exploration of some of our favourites from these funny bingo calls. We’ll look at the history and the cultural context of the most explosive and rib-tickling rhymes, most of which you can hear in action when you play with our very own bingo caller!

      Traditional Bingo Calls

      1 – Kelly’s Eye
      2 – One little Duck
      3 – Cup of Tea
      4 – Knock at the Door
      5 – Man Alive
      6 – Half a Dozen
      7 – Lucky 7
      8 – Garden Gate
      9 – Brighton Line
      10 – Prime Minister’s Den
      11 – Legs Eleven
      12 – 1 Dozen
      13 – Unlucky for Some
      14 – Valentine’s Day
      15 – Groovy Scene
      16 – Sweet Sixteen
      17 – Dancing Queen
      18 – Vampire’s Dream
      19 – Goodbye teens
      20 – 1 Score
      21 – Royal Salute
      22 – Two Little Ducks
      23 – Thee and Me
      24 – Two Dozen
      25 – Duck and Dive
      26 – Pick ‘n’ Mix
      27 – Gateway to Heaven
      28 – In a state
      29 – Rise and Shine
      30 – Dirty Girty
      31 – Get up and run
      32 – Buckle my Shoe
      33 – Dirty knee
      34 – Ask for More
      35 – Jump and Jive
      36 – Three Dozen
      37 – More Than
      38 – Christmas Cake
      39 – How many steps
      40 – Naughty Forty
      41 – Time for fun
      42 – Winnie the Pooh
      43 – Down on your Knees
      44 – Droopy Draws
      45 – Half Way There
      46 – Up to Tricks
      47 – Four and Seven
      48 – Four Dozen
      49 – PC
      50 – Bullseye
      51 – Tweak of the Thumb
      52 – Chicken Vindaloo
      53 – Stuck in the tree
      54 – Man at the door
      55 – All the fives
      56 – Shot’s Bus
      57 – Heinz Varieties
      58 – Make them wait
      59 – Brighton Line
      60 – Five Dozen
      61 – Baker’s Bun
      62 -Turn the screw
      63 – Tickle Me
      64 – Red Raw
      65 – Old Age Pension
      66 – Clickety Click
      67 – Stairway to Heaven
      68 – Pick em eight
      69 – Any way up
      70 – Three score and ten
      71 – Bang on the drum
      72 – Danny La Rue
      73 – Queen Bee
      74 – Hit the Floor
      75 – Strive and Strive
      76 – Trombones
      77 – Sunset Strip
      78 – Heaven’s Gate
      79 – One more Time
      80 – Eight and blank
      81 – Stop and Run
      82 – Straight on Through
      83 – Time for Tea
      84 – Give me more
      85 – Staying Alive
      86 – Between the sticks
      87 – Torquay in Devon
      88 – Two Fat Ladies
      89 – Nearly There
      90 – Top of the shop

      New Funny/NSFW Calls

      2 – Open a Window
      4 – Done Before
      5 – Man Alive
      6 – Tom Mix
      9 – Get an uber from mine
      19 – Keep ‘em Keen
      24 – Did you score?
      31 – Man Bun
      37 – One night in Heaven
      42 – Let’s be havin’ you
      50 – Half a Century
      55 – Snake’s Alive
      68 – Late for my Tinder date
      71 – JLo’s Bum
      72 – 6 dozen
      74 – Roll on the floor
      75 – Big Daddy
      79 – Your place or mine
      80 – Gandhi’s Breakfast
      83 – Stop Farting
      84 – Sneak out the back door
      89 – Almost There
      90 – End of the line

      Download Bingo Cards at Best New Bingo Sites to play along!

      Funny Bingo Calls – An Exploration

      By Dale Shelabarger

      The bingo call is an essential element of the bricks-and-mortar game, that has its origins in the golden age of the 1950s. A time when words were, you know, just words. Indeed, many traditional bingo calls are now staples of British bingo subculture, among them Kelly’s Eye and Man Alive.

      But there are fruitier phrases that have been retired by a lot of land-based clubs to avoid causing offence. While most replacements tend to be fairly innocuous, a few establishments have attempted to ‘get down with the kids’ by introducing some appalling updates.

      We’ll now take a look at some of these atrocities, together with intentionally funny bingo calls from times past that have so far escaped censorship. We’ve also thrown in a few of the racier phrases purely for the sake of mischief. Here are our top calls in no particular order. Fear not! You’ll be fine.

      Number 30 – Dirty Gertie

      Dirty Gertie is named after a 1914 bronze statue, La Délivrance that commemorates the First Battle of the Marne in World War I. Located in Finchley, it depicts a naked female standing on tip-toes, her face looking skyward with both arms aloft. Due to corrosion and probably because the figure is nude, residents began referring to her as ‘Dirty Gertie’ in the 1920s. A full-scale restoration eventually put paid to this unfortunate moniker among locals. But thanks to a World War II song, ‘Dirty Gertie from Bizerte’, the phrase lives on as a rude bingo call. Incidentally, the statue still stands and is yet to be vandalised.

      Number 71 – J. Lo’s Bum

      Joe Pesci once asked, Funny how? Well, we’re not sure in respect of this one. As far as rude bingo calls go there’s plenty worse. But we thought we’d throw it in to make up the numbers as it were. And in keeping with a lot of modern bingo calls, allusion is scattered to the four winds in favour of literalism as Jennifer Lopez’ rump becomes the focal point for reasons unknown. She’s certainly dated a few arses in her time, anyway.

      Number 11 – ‘Legs Eleven’

      Legs eleven refers of course to the number 11’s resemblance to a pair of legs – in and of itself not a very rude bingo call truth-be-told. But as tradition once dictated, when the call was announced baying OAP audiences were expected to respond with wolf whistles. As we all know, forcing breath between partly closed lips to create a rising and falling pitch is now frowned upon, regardless of context. Enter stage left, Gerard Merry.

      In a hold my beer moment back in 2014, Merry decided to uphold the aforementioned tradition. During a bingo night at his local club, he duly wolf-whistled when number 11 was called out. This prompted the staff to call in the police who then frog-marched Mr Merry off the premises. For good measure, the club then banned him for life.

      Number 11 – ‘Eyes on Fleek’

      These days, Number 11 is ‘Eyebrows on Fleek’. This is the creation of one Peaches Monroee [sic] – a girl who uploaded a selfie and used the phrase to describe her well-manicured eyebrows. Much online hilarity ensued and the term was eventually enshrined as a bingo call. Genius…

      Number 88 – ‘Two Body Positive Ladies’

      Dabbers Social Bingo decided to replace ‘Two Fat Ladies 88’ with this noble effort to address issues surrounding body image. Or perhaps they just wanted to attract millennial trendies and make loads of money. Whatever the case may be, the phrase doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. In our book, this makes it a ‘so bad it’s actually funny bingo call’.

      Number 42 – Let’s Be Havin’ You

      This call refers to culinary icon-cum-Norwich City owner, Delia Smith and her inebriated pitch invasion of 2005 – an epochal moment in British sport if ever there was one. During the half-time interval of a Premier League match, a tired and emotional Mrs Smith staggered onto the field in high heel, ominously wielding a microphone. Tottering in front of the dugouts, our Delia then beseeched Norwich fans to redouble their support by bellowing said phrase, along with a slurred string of footballing banalities. In a ‘what on earth am I doing’ moment, she then handed the microphone to the cameraman and beat a hasty retreat. If you’ve never looked at something through the cracks between your fingers, we suggest you watch the video.

      Number 38 – Avocado on a Plate

      “Ah, city folk”, sighed an exasperated Jack Palance in classic 80s movie, City Slickers. In our present context this refers to young, health-conscious metropolitans who frequent places like Shoreditch. For most over-40s brought up on pie, mash and Woodbines, this really isn’t a fun group – more like a convention of morticians, actually. As far as us oldies are concerned, this frightful bingo call should therefore remain in modern clubs such as Dabbers – an establishment that serves salted edamame to the kind of patrons who’ll probably live well into their old age.

      Number 83 – Gluten Free

      Gluten free is a bingo call? Alas, yes. In addition to being a watchword for people with an intolerance to wheat proteins, not to mention those with an intolerance to being unfashionable, poor old ‘83’ has been lumbered with this wearisome phrase.

      Number 2 – Open a Window

      One particularly bawdy establishment opted for ‘open a window’ to accompany its number 2 call. Oh the hilarity. Without wishing to be too indelicate, most of us secretly know that ‘number two’ refers to a bodily function that can emit a striking odour (usually after eating salted edamame). In turn, this often compels one to open said wall aperture with great haste. We’d hazard a guess that such a call probably didn’t emanate from a Dabber’s Social Bingo chapter. Nah, this has got Bongo’s Bingo smeared all over it…

      Number 5 – Man Alive

      Man alive has actually slipped into the British vernacular and is now commonly used as an interjection to convey surprise. Legend has it that the phrase was first used by sailors to alert their crew-mates after sighting a castaway.

      Number 9 – Selfie Time

      Everybody’s a narcissist these days, apart from you and me of course. For those of you who hail from the Zeta Reticuli star system or some other far-flung galaxy, a ‘selfie’ describes the act of taking a picture of yourself with a smart-phone. The photo can then be posted on a social media platform for the instant gratification of one’s ego. Made famous by TV talk-show psychopath, Ellen Degeneres, the selfie is about as era-defining as you can get.

      Number 43 – ‘Down on Your Knee’

      Popularised during WW2 by British soldiers.

      If there are any funny bingo calls you think we’ve missed, please get in touch and jolly well tell us! Head to our Contact Us page and send us a message today.


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